Friday, 22 June 2012

Ogaden Demonstration Bringing Grievances Over EU-Ethiopia Aid to European Parliament

Place Luxemburg, Brussels
11.00 - 15.00, 21 June 2012
Brussels, 20 June 2012 - Ogaden communities of the European Union will gather at Place Luxemburg, near the European Parliament, Brussels, on the 21 June 2012 from 11.00 to 15.00 to call upon the EU to reassess the delivery and use of its aid to Ethiopia. The call is being made in an effort to put to an end to the abuse of Human Rights in Ethiopia perpetrated by the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.
This is the latest demonstration to be organized by Ogaden communities, and one that reinforces the deepening solidarity within and between the communities. It builds upon the momentum generated by a public call for EU action made in Brussels in September 2011, and a hearing convened in the European Parliament questioning why the EU’s aid commitments – its largest – has become an extremely oppressive regime.
The demonstration will be the occasion for the presentation of a petition addressed to Members of the European Parliament. The petition’s five calls for action are:

- To withhold aid money as long as Ethiopian regime violates the human rights principles;

- To send a monitoring mission to Ogaden that freely investigates the human rights and
humanitarian abuse of the civilian population;

- To pressure Ethiopian to accept an international mediated negotiation to end the conflict;

- To give aid directly to the Ogaden people and pressure Ethiopia to allow independent
agencies to manage aid in Ogaden;

- To pressure Ethiopia which has signed the UN Charter and international laws, both local and
international media, to have free access to the Ogaden.

The implementation of the rule of Law in Ethiopia and the need to uphold Human Right in the whole region remains as pressing as ever with the demonstration intending to lay the ground for constructive policy and development aid initiatives to be outlined and implemented.
For media queries please contact:
Silvia Dallai | +32 (0)486 588 886 |

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